Older Dachshund Suddenly “Going” On The Floor? A Spinal Issue May Be To Blame

Dachshunds are one of the most popular dogs in the world because they are sweet, fun, and a joy to train. However, older dogs of the breed may end up developing spinal issues that lead to bladder control problems. Thankfully, these conditions can be treated successfully:

Sudden Bladder Problems May Be A Spinal Issue

While dachshunds are notoriously difficult to housebreak when they are young, most get the hang of it eventually. However, they may have occasional accidents if their owner doesn't let them out soon enough. As a result, dachshund owners may not notice the sudden increase of bladder problems until they become completely uncontrollable.

In most cases with this breed, back problems are the likely culprit for bladder control issues. The older dog may simply be in too much pain to walk outside or suffer from a spinal problem known as invertebral disc disease that contributes to the problem.

Other Symptoms Of This Disease

While IVDD is not the only cause of bladder control issues in dogs, it is a major contributing factor. It causes a pinching on the spine that makes it impossible for the suffering dachshund to control their bowels or bladder. It also causes other symptoms such as:

  • Inability to jump
  • Yipping in pain
  • Anxiety and confusion
  • Spasms over the back
  • Tense muscles in the body
  • Decreased activity level

When these symptoms are paired with a loss of bladder control, there is a very strong chance that the dachshund has IVDD. Thankfully, it is possible to treat this problem by visiting a veterinarian or a dog treatment specialist before the problem gets too severe.  

Restoring Their Control Through Spinal Treatment

If a veterinarian confirms that a dog has this spinal problem, there are a few steps a dog owner can take. For example, they can confine their dachshund from jumping or running in a way that ruins the problem. Sometimes, this treatment combined with an anti-inflammatory drug will help eliminate the swelling and eliminate the pressure that causes bladder control issues.

However, surgery is a more likely result. This problem is particularly the case with dachshunds. Their long back and common issues with it cause them to be more likely to suffer from acute recurrences of this problem. As a result, it is important to talk to a skilled veterinarian about this problem and discover a treatment as soon as possible.

By getting surgery, it is possible to not only eliminate a dachshund's bladder control symptoms but improve their life. Deciding on this therapy choice can be difficult for the average owner so make sure to talk to a vet about this type of dog treatment right away.  

Contact a vet office like Seattle Emergency Veterinary Hospital for more information and assistance. 
